Assure 360

Asbestos Removal Competence Scheme

With the HSE’s focus on competence assessment and the new ALG guidance on the subject, stay compliant with the Assure360 system. Simple and cost effective, the revolutionary Assure360 system gives you unparalleled control of the asbestos removal process.

Assure Risk Management has designed and introduced the first asbestos competence scheme. Assure360 combines a powerful online database with a bespoke iPad application, making assessing competence incredibly easy. Despite the simplicity of the system, Assure360 gives you the most comprehensive understanding of your team’s strengths and weaknesses – providing Training Needs Analysis (TNAs) automatically.

Assure360’s flexibility means that its web reports can be designed to meet your exact requirements. You can use it to complete internal audits as well as getting consultants to provide external checks.

Competence, TNAs and auditing – all at the touch of a button.

Assure360 system:

  • Tracks competence down to the individual operative
  • Benchmarking against the industry
  • Shows at a glance where your company is most exposed
  • Gives instant access to audit reports

Click here to find out more

Assure360 in Use