Assure 360

Expert Witness

Calling on over twenty years of experience, Nick Garland has provided expert witness testimony, acting on behalf of both claimants and defendants.

The expert advice has ranged from aiding preparation of multi-million pound claims, briefing of solicitors and barristers and giving evidence in court.

Because Nick’s forensic understanding of the asbestos hazard is both practical and pragmatic, he is able to to quickly see to the heart of the case. His collegiate approach works well in a group of experts, constructing clear practical agreed statements.

“Mr Garland was an integral part of the legal team from a very early stage, enabling us to form a comprehensive strategy at the outset. Nick was quick to grasp the legal issues in the case and had no difficulty at all in providing technical guidance which was focused on those issues. Nick’s evidence trial, was very powerful and authoritative, which clearly resonated with the Judge.”
Bruce Hailey – Salvus Law

Expert Witness